GIS Inspection is a leading third-party quality control and quality assurance agency in China. We can support global retailers, brands and manufacturers to market their compliant, quality products, starting from the initial stage of the product development process. We provide technical reporting for inspections, audits, supplier development and vendor compliance. Click on your preferred report below, fill in your name and email and a report sample will be sent directly to your inbox.
Product Quality Inspections
We conduct product quality inspections to help ensure the quality, safety, and sustainability of electronics & electrical products, softline goods, and hardline goods to satisfy regulatory requirements as well as the demands of the market.
The results of the inspection are compiled into an inspection report. Once the inspection is completed, a report is compiled with a conformed/not conformed result, an overview of key findings, and a detailed account of the inspection results.
All the original photos, videos, original testing data are contained, so you can see exactly what was discovered. A full and detailed inspection report, together with a photographic record within 24 hours of the inspection allows you to see the work undertaken.
Electronic and Electrical Products Quality Inspection
Softline Goods Quality Inspection
Hardline Goods Quality Inspection
Industrial Product Inspection
Loading Supervision
Factory Audit
GIS provides factory audit services in China, Vietnam, India, and elsewhere in Asia to help evaluate capabilities of potential new vendors as part of the selection process to ensure the safety of supply chain, as well as to makesure your potential supplier will become a reliable part of your global procurement.
Plant Evaluation
GIS Plant Evaluation Sample Report for Electricals
GIS Plant Evaluation Sample Report for hardgoods
GIS Plant Evaluation Sample Report for Industrial Products
GIS Plant Evaluation Sample Report for Textile
Supplier Assessment
GIS Supplier Assessment Sample Report